Alhamdulillah..i can take a deep breath now..
everything goes well..

starting from now i'll think positiv..yup btol ckp kwn2 ALLAH give me this chance to make sure i always in His i'll try harder n harder ..thank u Allah...

thankx to all dat always support me..Nusaibah,Raihana,Thirah,Baitul n sape2 je la..
thankx a lot..sape la sy tanpa kamu semua..hehe

and also thankx to all members in my group of study circle..u all mmg sporting..(^_^)
suke sgt dpt anak2 buah mcm adik2..terima kasih sbb sudi dtg ye..

n i m sorry bcoz cannot be a good naqibah for adik2..akak ni x pandai sgt nk bckp..
lgpon byk lg yg akk kne bljr..even kne bljr dr adik2 pon..
i hope we all can be fren..and share everything together ok..kalau akak tersalah tolong tegur kan..

sama2 lah kita berpesan2 dgn kebenaran dan berpesan2 dgn kesabaran..insya'Allah
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