sy x suke marah!

i got angry juz now..huhu and when i got angry i regretted it i'll feel malu to myself and to the person that make me angry..and i dont like it when i angry!
seriously i m not that kind of hot blooded person,i m not easy to get angry,even with my siblings..i mean, if i angry i will just shut my mouth and dont want to be disturbed until i calm down myself..but when i cant stand it..i'll say it out loud!then i'll regret it for sure huhu..

to fren..
sory fren,i didn't meant to show my angry,i know maybe u just joking with me,yeah sometime i can stand it but..u know i m not super perfect that always can bear it when u challenged me,yela every time u ym ing me u always challenge me about someting dat i m totally not interested!huh seriously i m not interested in that kinf of stuff..yeah i know it our responsibilty,but ur question kind of memerli n mencabar,mcm..annoying gler la,seriously i dont like it!ok i m sory...mesti ko pk ak x professional kan?huhu..biasa la i m just manusia biasa yg sgt la x perfek..i m sorry again

nota kaki:marah2 ni x elok..syaitan suke
2 Responses
  1. marah mmg x elok..
    tapi marah utk mempertahankan diri itu perlu..

  2. mrsimple Says:

    byk kn b'sbr k..:)
    jgn emo2
    abaikan je....ape yg blaku...
    juz buat ape yg awk rs btl..n awk ske..:)
    abaikan je....ape yg blaku...
    juz buat ape yg awk rs btl..n awk ske..:)